Another addition to our
garden includes a table-top style raised bed that was constructed after viewing
a similar bed at Franklin Conservatory. It can be seen on the right in the
photograph below, after the jump. This construction is perfect for those who don’t have the
knees to garden like they might have used to, but still have the desire to make
the most of their green thumb.
The taller tabletop variety allows a gardener to handle these patio style tomatoes, squash, and bush beans without causing too much stress on backs or knees. This style of bed also offers a gardening possibility for those in wheelchairs. Legs and wheels can slide underneath the table and offer some gardening experience where it was not possible before. The height of the table legs could be adjusted to fit the needs of your friends and family members, feel free to ask one of our staff how to do it. It also keeps those rascally rabbits from picking all of your beans before you can get to them!
The taller tabletop variety allows a gardener to handle these patio style tomatoes, squash, and bush beans without causing too much stress on backs or knees. This style of bed also offers a gardening possibility for those in wheelchairs. Legs and wheels can slide underneath the table and offer some gardening experience where it was not possible before. The height of the table legs could be adjusted to fit the needs of your friends and family members, feel free to ask one of our staff how to do it. It also keeps those rascally rabbits from picking all of your beans before you can get to them!
On the left side of this photograph you can see yet another development
in the Demo Garden for 2012 and that is the addition of our potato garden. We are
attempting to build a straw tower in order to maximize yield of potatoes for
the season. Using this tower strategy the goal is to develop multiple harvest
levels so that we can produce as many tubers as possible from a marginal amount
of space. The tubers grow amidst the straw while the roots dig deeper and
deeper into the soil underneath. This is somewhat of an experiment for the
staff here at RTCO so we are looking forward to seeing how fruitful the yield
The potatoes are growing fast since we got a little rain!