Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Squash For Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

With the early harvests of the season comes the challenge of discovering what to do with so much of certain types of fruit and vegetables. Our team at RTCO has picked a whole bunch of varieties of squash and zucchini, including these lovely eight-ball and one-ball squash in the picture up above. We did a thorough search on what sort of dishes can easily be prepared with minimal amounts of ingredients or additives, and found one that sounded fantastic. The link is provided below

This link from a great blog offers a great description of the recipe and some very helpful tips as far as cooking the squash and egg go.

We are trying to find as many different uses out of our squash that we possible can, so if you have some other great recipes for different types of squash feel free to leave it in the comments below!

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